Closed hearts criticize while open hearts compliment

It is 11th March 2021. The readings are from Jeremiah 7:23-28; and the Gospel from Luke 11:14-23. Anthony

It is 11th March 2021.

The readings are from Jeremiah 7:23-28; and the Gospel from Luke 11:14-23.

Anthony de Mello shares a story in his book named Awareness.  A woman suddenly stops a man walking down the street and says: “Henry, I am so happy to see you after all these years! How have you been?  You were so tall, and you have grown so short. You were so well built, and you have grown so thin. You were so fair, and you have become so dark. Good grief how you have changed in five years! What happened to you, Henry?”  Finally, the man got a chance to interject: “But ma’am, my name is not Henry! My name is John.” To which the persistent woman calmly responded: “Oh, so you changed your name too!”

Closed hearts criticize while open hearts compliment.

Listening is the ultimate expression of love.  Happiness is enveloped in total listening.  Every learning comes by listening and that is why God has blessed us with two ears and one mouth.  Turning our backs, and closing our hearts are possible signs we do not listen anymore.  It is by unbiased listening; we discern the will and plan of God for our lives.  Lent is the time to listen.  Listening to God’s Word, the cry of our being and the cry of the poor around.  Paul Tillich remarks, “The first duty of love is to listen.”

Stubbornness is a refusal to acknowledge the goodness in God and others.  Blaming is the blanket most of us are covering and hiding our failures in life.   Our faithfulness solely depends on our total listening.  In the first reading, the prophet Jeremiah demands faithfulness from stiff-necked people of Israel.  Faithfulness implies that be the person what you are supposed to be.

The responsorial Psalm intercedes, “If today you would listen to his voice, harden not your hearts.” (Ps.95:7,8)

Jesus gets the force of criticism for casting out devil and demonstrated the authority of God. Jesus encounters three types of people after performing miracle.  The Admirers, the Accusers, and the miracle-seekers.

Half hearted faithfulness is so dangerous for integral spiritual growth. Either we are with Jesus fully, or against Him.  Jesus is looking for faithful followers.  When we have hardened our hearts, we do not notice any goodness in the others.

There is a close connection with the unfaithfulness and a tendency to unleash uncharitable accusation or criticism on others.

Let us listen more and talk less.  May you have a day full of blessings.

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