It is 11th January 2017. The readings are from Hebrews 2:14-18; and the Gospel from Mark 1:29-39. The first reading highlights the humanity of Jesus and Jesus, as the healer. In order to redeem us all, Christ had to come among us seen in the human flesh. Jesus knew what the struggles we humans go […]

It is 10th January 2017. The readings are from Hebrews 2:5-12; snd the Gospel from Mark 1:21-28. The first reading presents us with the true identity of Jesus as the Son of God. As a human person He is below the ranks of the angels yet as the Son of God He is above them. […]

It is 9th January 2017. We celebrate the feast day of the Baptism of the Lord. The readings are from Is.42:1-4,6-7; the second reading is from Act.10:34-38 and the Gospel from Mt. 3:13-17. The first reading assures God is delighted in each one of us and desires us to be the light of the nations. […]

It is 08th January 2017. We celebrate the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord. The readings are from Isaiah 60:1-6; the second reading from Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6; and the Gospel from Matthew 2:1-12. The Epiphany means the manifestation of God to all people. It is the time to adore and pay homage to the […]

It is 07th January 2017. The readings are from 1 Jn 5:14-21; and the Gospel from Jn 2:1-11. The first reading invites us to live our lives according to the will of God. We cannot know the will of God without a life of prayer. We are all sinners. We sin and repeatedly sin again […]

It is 6th January 2017. The readings are from are 1 John 5:5-13 and the Gospel from Mk.1:7-11. The first reading address the question – who can overcome the world? The only way to overcome the world is to believe in Christ. It is the Son of God who offers a life in full and […]

It is 5th January 2017. The readings are from 1 John 3:11-21; and the Gospel from John 1:43-51. The first reading teaches us that our conscience is not the final judge but God is when it comes to love the other. A personal and willful hatred towards a brother or a sister is equal to […]

It is 4th January 2017. The readings are from 1 John 3:7-10; and the Gospel from John 1:35-42. The first reading focuses on our belonging to God or to devil based on the way we relate with one another. The seed of sin is sowed in our lives even today by the evil one. Yet, […]

It is 3rd January 2017. We celebrate the memorial of Most Holy Name of Jesus. The readings are from 1 John 2:29-3:6; and the Gospel from John 1:29-34. The first reading teaches us that as long as we live according to the plan of God, we will have a thirst within us to please God […]

It is 2nd January 2017. We celebrate the memorial of Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops and the Doctors of the Church. The readings are from 1 John 2:22-28; and the Gospel from John 1:19-28. The first readings presents us with the disagreement on the divinity in humanly seen Jesus. People found it […]

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