Dear People of God, It is 27th of December. The Second Day of Christmas and we celebrate the feast day of Saint John, the Evangelist. The First Reading suggests that the our joy is complete in Jesus. Knowing Jesus is the eternal life. There is a certain amount of joy and contentment in knowing someone […]

Dear People of God, It is 26th of December. The First day of Christmas and we celebrate the martyrdom of Saint Stephen. First reading is the account of St. Stephen’s killing. Saint Stephen was able to bring out the wisdom of Jesus through his death. He is the first person to die for Jesus. The […]

Dear People of God, It is 24th day of December. A couple of hours to go for the Christmas celebrations. In the first reading, King David wanted to build a house for the Lord. Yet, God promised him that God is interested in building David’s house. In the Responsorial Psalm, we continue to hear that […]

It is 23rd day in December. The first reading suggests, “suddenly there will come to the temple the LORD whom you seek.” God wants to visit us. God visits us in the human form. You are that human form God is interested in to visit the rest. God comes like a purifying fire as we […]

Dear People of God, It is 22nd day in December. The first reading is about Hannah praising God by offering Samuel back to God for what God has done to her. In the Responsorial Psalm, we reflect the song of Hannah, “My heart exults in the Lord, my Saviour.” As we hear the Gospel, we […]

It is 21st day December, fourth Sunday of the Advent. In the first reading, we read that God promises us Jesus, the Messiah in the line of David. God wants to keep David’s family into “God’s family.” In the responsorial Psalm, we are assured that God’s kindness will remain for ever through the covenant He […]

Good Morning God’s people, It is 20th day of December. The first reading promises that the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall name him Emmanuel. The Responsorial Psalm asking the Lord to enter because He is the king of glory. In the Gospel, we hear the Angel Gabriel meeting Mary, “Hail, full […]

Good Day Good People, It is the 19th day of December. The first reading tells us about the birth of Samson. In the Gospel, we hear that the vision of Angel Gabriel to Zechariah. Angel Gabriel gave the good news from the Lord to Mary and now to Zechariah . But Zechariah found it hard […]

Dear People of God, It is 18th day of December. God is promising us a Saviour who is the Lord our justice, who will allow us to live in our own lands. The Responsorial Psalm adds strength to the first reading telling us to repeat that justice shall flourish in his time and fullness of […]

Dear People of God, It is 17th day of December. The first reading gives us a blessing, “Your hand on the neck of your enemies, the sons of your father shall bow down to you.” True, indeed to note that we are able to have a grip on our evils and sins much more powerfully […]