It is 23rd day in December. The first reading suggests, “suddenly there will come to the temple the LORD whom you seek.” God wants to visit us. God visits us in the human form. You are that human form God is interested in to visit the rest. God comes like a purifying fire as we read it in the first reading. Before He comes like a fire, we are invited to bring people back to God starting from our family. What have we done during this Advent concretively to bring someone to the Lord? God’s visitation is possible through you and me. It is not friends visiting friends or families visiting families during this time of festivity but rather we visit someone who we find it hard to visit due to relational, emotional and spiritual struggle we go through with that person. Yes, It is the time to visit someone who we find it hard to relate with and to be friend with. We are invited to visit someone as the messenger of Peace and Joy. Bringing someone to Jesus is the real Christmas. How spiritually uplifting is the experience of visiting that someone? Who is the person in our life, God wants us to pay a visit in God’s name? Can we make the visit of God possible through us? May you have a blessed day.

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