It is 8th July 2020. The readings are from Hosea 10:1-3, 7-8, 12; and the Gospel from Matthew 10:1-7. God is looking for us tirelessly. Because God wants to entrust a mission to each one of us. Since our life is looking for something other than God, we end up being tired, exhausted, and […]

  It is 7th July 2020. The readings are from Hosea 8:4-7, 11-13; and the Gospel from Matthew 9:32-38. What we sow so we reap. Our integral health depends on our thinking. Paulo Coelho who authored the book “The Alchemist (1988)” remarked, “Life is like a garden; you reap what you sow.” In the first […]

  It is 6th July 2020. The readings are from Hosea 2:16-18, 21-22; and the Gospel from Matthew 9:18-26. Longing to touch God grows never weary even when we feel broken our promises and faithfulness to God. God relates with us as intimate as possible to make us feel loved, healed and happier. God’s love […]

  It is 5th July 2020. We celebrate the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. The readings are from Zechariah 9:9-10; the second reading is from Romans 8:9, 11-13; and the Gospel from Matthew 11:25-30. The theme of the Sunday Liturgy is God’s peace is the gift of the Holy Spirit to all who believe in […]

  It is 4th July 2020. We celebrate the memorial of St. Elizabeth of Portugal. The readings are from Amos 9:11-15; and the Gospel from Matthew 9:14-17. As we conclude the book of prophet Amos, God promises through him that God wants to offer our initial glory, happiness and peace. God is interested to restore, […]

  It is 3rd July 2020. We celebrate the Feast of St Thomas the Apostle. The readings are from Ephesians 2:19-22; and the Gospel from John 20:24-29. An apostle so dear to our heart and life. He is an unquenchable flame of our faith from the childhood for many of us like St. Francis Xavier. […]

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