Good morning good people, May the Lord give you peace in the Holy Spirit! It is 30th April 2021. We celebrate the memorial of St Pius V, pope. We read and reflect from Acts 13:26-33; Psalm 2; and the Gospel of John 14:1-6. God never changed the perception on us, but we shift our reception […]

It is 29th April 2021. Good morning good people, We celebrate the memorial of St Catherine of Siena Virgin and Doctor of the Church. We read and reflect from Acts 13:13-25 and the Gospel from John 13:16-20. St. Catherine of Siena encourages us, “Be who (the person) God meant you to be and you will […]

It is 28th April 2021. Good morning Good People, May the Lord bless you in the Holy Spirit. We read from Acts 12:24-13:5 and the Gospel of John 12:44-50. We too remember two saints namely St Peter Chanel, priest and martyr and St Louis Marie de Montfort, priest. In life, we keep something or someone […]

It is 27th April 2021. Good morning Good People, We read and reflect from Acts 11:19-26 and Gospel John 10:22-30. The scattered and shattered people became the sharers and spokespersons of the Gospel. When we go by the Spirit of God and collaborate with the plans of God, we create a path for the other […]

It is 26th April 2021. The readings are from Acts 11:1-18; and the Gospel from John 10:1-10. The responsorial Psalm praises, “My soul is thirsting for the living God.” (Ps.42:3). Pastoral shepherding involves personal conversion and openness towards the Holy Spirit. Moreover, the Holy Spirit is not the exclusive to a few people.  When we […]

  It is 25th April 2021.  It is the fourth Sunday of Easter.  We celebrate the Good Shepherd Sunday as the vocation Sunday. We can see the three ways of God relating to God’s people:  The Father and the children; the husband and the wife; and the Shepherd and the sheep.  God is portrayed mostly […]

It is 24th April 2021.  We celebrate the memorial of St Fidelis of Sigmaringen, priest and martyr. The readings are from Acts 9:31-42; and the Gospel from John 6:60-69. In adversity, we tend to be adventurous.  Opportunities are abundant for those who spread the wings of peace and prayer.  We are spiritually fibre in gratitude […]

It is 23rd April 2021. The Acts 9:1-20; and the Gospel from John 6:52-59. Conversion comes through God, in the Holy Spirt and by the faith in Jesus.  Every conversion is a journey to end in Jesus. In everyone’s life there is a moment of conversion to be aware of God’s presence.  No one can […]

It is 22nd April 2021. The readings are from Acts 8:26-40; and the Gospel from John 6:44-51. “Evangelization in our time will only take place as the result of contagious joy. An evangelizer must never look like someone who has just come back from a funeral” says Pope Francis. Evangelization is a personal journey of […]

  It is 21st April 2021.  We celebrate the memorial of St. Anselm, Archbishop, and doctor. The readings are from Acts 8:1-8; and the Gospel from John 6:35-40. Saint Augustine articulates, “Do you want to speak the praise of God?  Be yourselves what you speak. If you live good lives, you are his praise.” Good […]

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