It is 24th April 2018. We celebrate the memorial of Fidelis of Sigmaringen, a Capuchin friar, priest and martyr. The readings are from Acts 11:19-26; and the Gospel from John 10:22-30. What does it mean to be a Christian today? Is it just a name or for a spiritual fame? Does our name reveal Jesus […]

It is 23rd April 2018. We celebrate the memorials of Saint George, martyr and St.Adalbert, Bishop and martyr. The readings are from Acts 11:1-18; and the Gospel from John 10:1-10. Salvation is for all people. God opens the well springs of life to all people. God does not belong exclusively to particular group of people […]

It is 22nd April 2018. We celebrate the fourth Sunday of Easter as the Good Shepherd Sunday. The readings are from Acts 4:8-12; the second reading is from 1 John 3:1-2; and the Gospel from John 10:11-18. We are all invited to be the shepherds in a given situation. God himself calls us individually to […]

It is 21st April 2018. We celebrate the memorial of St. Anselm, Bishop and Doctor. The readings are from Acts 9:31-42; and the Gospel from John 6:60-69. Growth, far and wide was unstoppable for the Church after the persecution and conversion of Paul. St. Peter’s miracles were indeed a spiritual boost for the young growing […]

It is 20th April 2018. The readings are from Acts 9:1-20; and the Gospel from John 6:52-59. The life that we receive from Christ attracts the others to follow the One we believe and emulate. Truth attracts truth. The spiritual power and energy we have from Jesus either attracts or distracts people from Jesus. Some […]

It is 19th April 2018. The readings are from Acts 8:26-40; and the Gospel from John 6:44-51. How often do we lead people to Christ? We can only lead others to Christ when we are filled with the Holy Spirit and regularly reflecting and reading the Sacred Scripture. When our lives are full of worldly […]

It is 17th April 2018. The readings are from Acts 7:51-8:1; and the Gospel from John 6:30-35. Standing for truth is one thing and dying for the truth is another. We can all stand up for something when we emotionally moved but for giving up our lives for the principles we believe in would nearly […]

It is 16th April 2018. The readings are from Acts 6:8-15; and the Gospel from John 6:22-29. When we are truthful to ourselves, we have a powerful aura around our body. The aura is the spiritual emanation that surrounds our body when we are transparent and exposed to truth. We have a visible aura around […]

It is 15th April 2018. We celebrate the third Sunday of the Easter. The readings are from Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; the second reading is from 1 John 2:1-5; and the Gospel from Luke 24:35-48. The readings suggest that we all need to be a vibrant and inspiring witnesses for the Risen Lord. The Catechism points […]

It is 14th April 2018. The readings are from Acts 6:1-7; and the Gospel from John 6:16-21. In life there are challenges and difficulties. Difficult-free life is almost impossible to cognize where there are many people gather and worship. More the number pose more the resources and challenges in ordinary functioning of day today life. […]