It is 4th January 2019. The readings are from 1 John 3:7-10; and the Gospel from John 1:35-42. We are celebrating the First Friday of the month in the New Year. We need to find some time today to go for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and to participate in the Holy Eucharist to receive the […]

It is 3rd January 2018. We celebrate the memorial of Most Name of Jesus. The readings are from 1 John 2:29-3:6; and the Gospel from John 1:29-34. We all want to know and love God. Most of us who are good Catholics are frustrated by now that we have not yet known or loved God […]

It is 01st January 2019. We celebrate the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God. The entrance antiphon of the Holy Eucharist solemnly acclaims: “Hail, Holy Mother, who gave birth to the King, who rules Heaven and earth for ever.” (Is.9:1,5; Lk.1:33) The readings are from Numbers 6:22-27; the second reading is from Galatians 4:4-7; […]

It is 31st October 2018. The readings are from Ephesians 6:1-9; and the Gospel from Luke 13:22-30. Everything works for good to all those who believe in Jesus and behave accordingly to His message. Belief in Jesus needs to be seen in the day today relationship with one another. We cannot claim to be expert […]

It is 31st December 2018. We celebrate the memorial of St. Sylvester, a Pope. The readings are from 1 John 2:18-21; and the Gospel from John 1:1-18. As we come to an end of the year 2018, it is good to look back a while and pause for a moment with gratitude to our loving […]

It is 30th December 2018. We celebrate the Solemnity of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. On the last Sunday of the calendar year, we are invited to offer, thank, and to ask for God’s blessings and guidance on all our families. The readings are from 1 Samuel 1:20-22, 24-28; the second reading […]

It is 29th December 2018. We celebrate the memorial of Saint Thomas Becket, bishop and martyr. A saintly bishop who was murdered by a king who opposed the Pontiff and his animation. St. Thomas Becket showed his love for the Lord and the Church by taking a stand which made him to sacrifice his own […]

It is 28th December 2018. We celebrate the Feast of the Holy Innocents, Martyrs. The entrance antiphon proclaims: The innocents were slaughtered as infants for Christ; spotless, they follow the Lamb and sing for ever: Glory to you, O Lord. The readings are from 1 John 1:5-2:2; and the Gospel from Matthew 2:13-18. To be […]

It is 27th December 2018. We celebrate the Feast of St John the Apostle and Evangelist. A beloved disciple of the Lord, (Jn.21:20) the author of a Gospel and three epistles and the Book of Revelation. The Lord Jesus could trust him so much to leave His Mother in his custody. The readings are from […]

It is 26th December 2018. We celebrate the Feast of St Stephen, the First Martyr and one of the seven deacons who rendered help to the Apostles. The readings are from Acts 6:8-10, 7:54-59; and the Gospel from Matthew 10:17-22. To be a Christian is to live up to the one in whom we put […]