As Moses was glowing after meeting the Lord, so we need to radiant the goodness of the Lord after participating in the Sacraments of life

Dear People of God, May the Lord give you peace and health in the Holy Spirit. It is

Dear People of God,

May the Lord give you peace and health in the Holy Spirit.

It is 02nd August 2023.  We reflect on Exodus 34:29-35 and Matthew 13:44-46.

Are we groaning or glowing?

All of us are searching for something or for someone in our life.  If we search for those that last, we will be contented.  If our quest is about the pleasures of this world, we will remain hungry for power, money, and all types of greed.  The question is: are we searching for the Pearl and the Treasure or the pearls and treasures?

As Moses was glowing after meeting the Lord, so we need to radiant the goodness of the Lord after participating in the Sacraments of life.

We are all looking for something in life.  A few things we find without much difficulty but most of them are found with sweat and smartness.  There is pressure and persistence involved in every search.  At times we give up soon and curse the past and the failures that fell upon us.

Many are tired and exhausted looking for something that is not lasting.  Our contentment and security come by finding something that can outlast everything.

At the end of the day, help and security comes only from God.  At times it is late but sure to reach everyone in need and faith.

We all can find the pearls in the treasure hunt of the Kingdom.  Unless we let go of what we have, we might let lose the chance of possessing the treasure.  It is a matter of conviction and commitment that makes us find the treasure of our life, Jesus Himself.  May God bless you.

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