A visualized vision and magnified mission cannot fail with the help of the Holy Spirit.

Good morning good people, May the ascended Lord bless you with peace and health in the Holy Spirit.

Good morning good people,

May the ascended Lord bless you with peace and health in the Holy Spirit.

It is 18th May 2024.

What is our testimony of faith?

We reflect on Acts 28:16-20, 30-31 and John 21:20-25.

The Acts of the Apostle might have an abrupt end, but it has the explosive beginnings.  Yes, we have the last pages of Acts and the Gospel of John and the last day of the liturgical time of the Easter.

Enthusiasm never dies when it is genuine and sincere no matter how challenging, painful, and demanding the situations of life turn to be.  However tiny is our vision, we can visualise to a level of reaching the best and the highest in our life.

A visualized vision and magnified mission cannot fail with the help of the Holy Spirit.

The Church began in a small way.  But with the sacrifices, and enthusiastic disciples, it took root and spread its wings near and far.  The contributions of St. Paul and the Apostles cannot be ignored.

At times we get distracted thinking about what others are doing in their life and what others are thinking about me.  We are excessively curious to know what will happen to the others or obsessed thinking about only about us.

There is no way we can give up on God even when things do not go according to our wish and plan.

With faith in God through Jesus, we all can write a new testimony of faith and charity.

Let us begin the journey of hope, faith, and love in all we do.  Nothing is declared dead and finished until God quits in our life.  We know for sure; God cannot quit from our life.  Have a lovely day.  God bless you all.

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