A good builder puts the firm foundation of truth, faith, and charity in the hearts of people before he sows the seeds of faith

It is 10th November 2023. We reflect on Romans 15:14-21 and Luke 16:1-8. To be a missionary is

It is 10th November 2023.

We reflect on Romans 15:14-21 and Luke 16:1-8.

To be a missionary is a call within the initial calling.  His holiness Pope Francis strongly affirms in Evangelii Gaudium (“The Joy of the Gospel”), “Mere administration” can no longer be enough.  Throughout the world, let us be “permanently in a state of mission.”

In the first reading St. Paul reminds that all the missionary activities he did for Christ and for the glory of God not for his personal growth.  Every missionary is a builder.  A good builder puts the firm foundation of truth, faith, and charity in the hearts of people before he sows the seeds of faith.  Merely doing social work is not a missionary work.  Without social work, we cannot complete the mandate of being a missionary.

A missionary chosen and sent with a specific task of living and spreading the Good News to all people.  Can we able to look at work and be satisfied like St. Paul?  His satisfaction came because he prioritised spiritual growth than the worldly success.  “In Christ Jesus, then, I have reason to boast of my work for God.  For I will not venture to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me.” (Rom.15:17,18).

The responsorial Psalm praises, “The Lord has shown his salvation to the nations.” (Ps.97:2).

In the Gospel, Jesus teaches the attitude we all require to be in the kingdom of God.  The evil and notorious people are faithful in propagating their evil so faithfully and regularly unlike the good people are not consistent in spreading the flavour of goodness and mercy.  God deserves our unwavering dedication and commitment in serving God at all times.  No one can escape the eyes of God, and everyone is under the scanner of meticulous presentation of personal account to God.  May the Lord help us to find quality time to work for the Lord and the Church to the fullest our conscience and satisfaction of our souls.  May you have a good day.  May God bless you.

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