It is 12th March 2015. The readings are from Jer. 7:23-28 and the Gospel from Lk. 11:14-23. The first reading invites us to listen to the voice of the Lord. “Obey my voice , I will be your God, and you shall be my people; Walk in the way I command you and all will be well with you.” (Jer.7:23). There is always a choice to obey the voice within or the voice outside of us. Whether to listen to the voice of God or to the voice of Satan. The prophet Jeremiah articulates that everything is going to be fine if we obey the voice of God. My will, choices, desires, designs, plans, ways are side-lining the Will of God. Human power is not enough to listen to the voice of God. We need the guidance of the Holy Spirit who can mould us and prepare our minds and hearts to obey God’s voice. In listening to God’s voice, we become God’s people. It is our listening which proves that who we belong to. The responsorial Psalm echoes the first reading, “O that today you would listen to His voice! Harden not your hearts.” (Ps.94:8). In the Gospel, we encounter Jesus encouraging us to have a clear choice. Jesus’ source of exorcism and those who follow him is in question today. Luke puts the entire trust in Jesus’s power over evil and encouraging the community to adhere to Him. “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.” (Lk.11:23). May we choose God and Jesus through the help of the Holy Spirit and be blessed as the children of God. May God bless you.

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