It is 22nd March 2015. The Fifth Sunday of the Lent. The readings are from Jer. 31:31-34; Heb.5:7-9 and the Gospel from Jn.12:20-33. The first reading speaks about the replacement of the old covenant of Judgement with a new covenant of Forgiveness of sins. Jesus fulfilled the Covenant of Forgiveness with His supreme sacrifice on the Cross. The Responsorial Psalm prays, “Create a clean heart in me, O God.” (Ps.51:12a). The second reading reiterates that Jesus established the New Covenant through His suffering and death, more specifically in His obedience to the Father. The Gospel explains in detail the personal and inner struggle of Jesus in accepting the cup of suffering as he instated the new and everlasting covenant. “Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” (Jn.12:24). As the seed gets transformed, so we are to die for our sins in order to be productive spiritually. Jesus’s sacrifice is a must for our salvation and a beginning of the new life with God for us all. Jesus’s death and resurrection draws us all to Himself. “When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men and women to myself.” (Jn.12:33). Jesus is for all. We the Christian are also for all kinds of peoples, tribes, races, colours, and creeds. Never allow social or tribal differences to become barriers to the gospel to be productive in our lives. Jesus is much more powerful than any evil and He shatters the power of Satan by His death and resurrection. (Col.1:13). Someone died for our sins, may we make a sacrifice to bring someone to Jesus. May God bless you.

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