It is 05th June 2015. We celebrate the memorial of St. Boniface, bishop and martyr. The readings are from Tob. 11:5-17 and the Gospel from Mk.12:35-37. In the first reading, we are promised that all things work together for good to those who love and trust the Lord. We read the restoration of eye sight of Tobit and the successful return of the Tobias and his wife Sarah. “Though He afflicted me, He has had mercy upon me” (Tob.11:15). We all have to make a prayer of gratitude for all the healing moments in our lives. This reunion brings so much hope to all of us. As Joseph reunited with his brothers, as the prodigal son reunited to the Father, and Tobit reunited with his son Tobias, we will be reunited with our God. The dust and the dirt of the sin cannot hide us from our loving God for a long time. God restores all our situation no matter how pathetic situation we are in. We just need to hold on to God when the storms of hopelessness and sinfulness is all around us. God is much more powerful than any whirlwind of destruction. God cares for us and God is so good to us all the time. The responsorial Psalm praises God, “My soul, give praise to the Lord.” (Ps.145:2). Jesus faces another tough question from the Pharisees in the Gospel. Jesus answered them by quoting them Ps.110:1 that Christ is the descendant of David and yet above David. Jesus silences them one more time. We believe in someone named Jesus not in something. We are all assured by Jesus that He rules our lives above anyone in this world. Let us be good to God so as to enjoy the total good all the time in our lives.

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