It is 17th November 2015. We celebrate the memorial of St. Elizabeth of Hungary. The readings are from 2 Mac.6:18-31 and the Gospel from Lk.19:1-10. The first reading talks about the faithfulness in God. This passage in particular directly addressed to the Alexandrian Jews to be faithful to the religion and never to become a traitor. We are presented with the virtuous example of Eleazar, who was ninety years old stood firm in his belief. “In my soul I am glad to suffer, because of the awe which God inspires in me.” (2 Mac.6:30). The responsorial Psalm acclaims, “The Lord upholds me.” (Ps.3:6). The Gospel presents the most unpopular man among the Jews namely Zacchaeus. He was considered to be a traitor, crooked tax collector, cheater and a spy yet Jesus loved him. Even though the society considered him to be the untouchable, Jesus wanted to touch his life and convert him. Zacchaeus demonstrated a complete turnaround after meeting Jesus. If we say we follow Jesus, we must demonstrate it in action of a changed behavior. Jesus recognized this little man as a son of Abraham who got lost and restored his dignity by encountering and relating with him. As a Christian, we must not give in to social pressure to avoid modern Zacchaeus among us. They too need Jesus. Jesus does not worry about our background, our biodata, and the political and religious view we hold to meet us and to save us. Jesus wants to restore the lost portion in our lives too. Are we willing to meet Him?