It is 18th December 2015. The readings are from Jer.23:5-8 and the Gospel from Matthew 1:18-24. The first reading assures that a descendent of the king David will reign as king. This king will be wise, honest and just unlike the kings before Babylonian captivity. “In his days Judah will be saved and Israel dwell in confidence.” (Jer.23:6). The prophet Jeremiah compared the present corrupt leaders with the imminent coming of Messiah. A perfect king will emerge from the lineage of David. New king will have the characteristics of God in terms of righteousness. The responsorial Psalm prays, “In his days justice shall flourish and peace till the moon fails.” (Ps.71:7). The Gospel presents the promise of God to give us the Redeemer. A clear assurance from God that God is with us through God’s beloved son. Matthew quotes the prophecy of Isaiah telling that Christ is coming into the world through the virgin birth. Joseph, the foster father of Jesus accepts the plan of God for humanity. He will call the child as Jesus which means God saves. All what we are looking for in God is found in Emmanuel means ‘God-is-with-us.” Birth of this child has very special significance because this child is the one who will save people from their sins. The ‘yes’ of Joseph comprised of blamelessness, sensitivity, responsiveness to God and self-discipline. God always offers an option we find it hard to take it. The ‘yes’ of Joseph to God one we must inculcate in our spiritual life. May God help us to believe in Jesus little more intimately this time during the Advent.

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