It is 25th February 2016. The readings are from Jeremiah 17:5-10; and the Gospel from Luke 16:19-31. The first reading insists on putting our complete trust in the Lord. The prophet brings to our attention about two types of people on earth – one who puts the trusts in one’s flesh and another is the one who puts the trusts in the Lord. The curses are attached to the one who relies on oneself while the blessings are added to the one who puts the trusts in the Lord. God looks at our hearts and rewards accordingly. God fills us with the blessings of all kinds when God searches for good in our hearts. “I the Lord test the mind and search the heart, to give to all according their ways, according to the fruit of their doings.” (Jer.17:10). The responsorial Psalm reassures, “Happy the person who placed the trust in the Lord.” (Ps.1:5). The Gospel shares the most important truth about our lives here on earth and what do we do with the material things God has entrusted to us. Whatever the material differences we might have here on earth, we will spiritually equal before God in heaven. What we have done with our wealth is very much noticed by God. All that we have been given by God is to be shared with the poor, the marginalized, the voiceless, and the oppressed. Our personal hard earned wealth either it can become a means of blessings or the channels of selfishness. We may have everything yet we are still poor; some of us, we may have nothing yet we are indeed rich in complete sense. The Lent is the time to share the best we have with the poor. Our works of mercy provides a sense of feeling of heaven on earth. May you have good day.

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