It is 24th February 2016. The readings are from Jeremiah 18:18-20; and the Gospel from Matthew 20:17-28. The first reading reports the agony, the pain and the frustration of Jeremiah through his prayer. People wanted to get rid of him just because his words and actions challenged the lives socially and morally. Jeremiah spoke openly against the king, the ministers, the priests, and prophets. He spoke for God and had ended up pointing out the mistakes of the others. How do we react to a fair criticism? When we are pointed out mistakes, are we interested in getting rid of the problem or the person who points out? Jeremiah becomes a prototype of Christ reminding us about the plot people are going to make for Christ. The responsorial Psalm pleads God, “Save me in your love, O Lord.” (Ps.30:17). The Gospel presents the requests of the mother of James and John to Jesus. She asked for a special position in the kingdom of Jesus. She failed to understand the meaning of suffering and crucifixion. Jesus humbly reminds them that the authority is given for service not for self-importance, promotion, and respect. It is a new type of leadership which is uncommon in the society. It is extracting the best out of oneself for the welfare of the others. It is all about taking initiative and pioneering the work of the mercy when no one is willing do it. Giving ourselves completely for the cause of kingdom of God. “Whoever wants to be first must be your servant.” (Mt.20:27). May God bless you.

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