It is 25th November 2017. We celebrate the memorials of St Catherine of Alexandria, virgin and martyr, St Clement of Rome, pope and martyr and St. Colman, bishop. The readings are from 1 Maccabees 6:1-13; and the Gospel from Luke 20:27-40. Power politics and greed in display in today’s first reading. After returning, the king Antiochus learnt that his army lost the battle with the forces in Jerusalem, he went into a deep depression and sadness, but the Maccabees fell prey to power politics. The king died because of his greed and guilt. “This, I am convinced, is why these misfortunes have overtaken me, and why I am dying of melancholy in a foreign land.” (1 Mac.6:13). Due to some reasons, human beings might altar their conscience towards the one who have oppressed them and abused them, yet a day will come we all have to face our God in spirit and truth. If only those who hold power realize that this world is only a temporary place and the position they hold is not permanent, they would lean on God not on their arrogance and greed. It is good to re-examine the way we have lived before the humanity exposes our greed and abuse of power. Lasting happiness and peace is for the one who fears the Lord and hears His Words rather than those so-called close associates who benefit from the greed and power politics of the leader. The responsorial Psalm acclaims, “I will rejoice in your saving help, O Lord.” (Ps.9:16). In the Gospel, Jesus assures all of us that God is God of living not of the dead. Our lives must be directed and motivated towards Heaven. We need to live in such a way that we will be worthy of enjoying the bliss and peace in Heaven. Our God permeates the history and beyond. May God help us to be cautious about our power politics and greed that make us to do things we would be sorry one day. May you have a good day.

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