It is 20th June 2018. The readings are from 2 Kings 2:1, 6-14; and the Gospel from Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18. People aspire for many things in the world with regard to the intelligence. Some of us want to acquire as many scholarly degrees as possible so as to demonstrate the world how organised and intelligent we are. There are some of us go after fusing and looping the mind and body in bringing out the emotional intelligence in focus. A few of us are the ones who always regroup, revisit, reconcile, reconnect to the core to make our spiritual intelligence to shine for the rest of the humanity to have a feel of the divine. Dr. Robert Emmons (2000) suggests that the aim of spiritual intelligence is to bring about intrapersonal integration, the “transformation of the person from fragmentation to integration.” It is all about unifying framework for one’s whole life, especially one’s inner life. It is about the vision derives from being “sensitive to transcendent realities.” By attributing the meaning in relation with God in daily life. we begin to master self-regulation that makes us feel the conscientiousness, agreeableness and balanced emotional connectivity with one another. The happiness is attained and experienced to the fullest when one has mastered the spiritual intelligence like the prophet Elijah. Transcending and connecting to God as he leaves the world, God himself sends the chariot to take him. We will all leave the world one day. Will we make someone to connect with God as Elijah made Elisha to connect with God and the people of Israel. Whether we are to have a chariot from Heaven or not, we need to integrate our fragments to make sense to our spiritual existence meaningful to the welfare of the humanity at large. The responsorial Psalm praises, “Let your heart take courage, all who hope in the Lord.” (Ps.30:25). The Gospel admonishes us not to project our pride and pull people towards us with the success, plans and projects we have achieved so far rather to project God and making that very connections people are struggling to make with God. It is spiritual intelligence that is cemented by personal prayer, penance and love leading towards perfection that of the prophet Elijah. Good works need not be advertised. We need to continue to be good without seeking attention, approval and appreciation. Our prayer, alms-giving and fasting has to done in a personal and intimate way that no one needs to know except God and that is what brings us to transcend ourselves and to integrate the fragments of the broken pieces of our lives. May you have a good day. God bless you.