It is 5th February 2019. We celebrate the memorial of St Agatha, Virgin and Martyr. We wish all those who are celebrating the Chinese New Year today. May God bring blessings and progress through this New Year celebration around the world. The readings are from Hebrews 12:1-4; and the Gospel from Mark 5:21-43. Looking up to Jesus at all times is the untiring running a race of faith in our life that is sure of a reward. Our faith is fruitful in so far as it is moved, motivated and touched by the presence of Jesus in our lives. Yes, we have great company of examples of faith to emulate yet most of us either live by ignorance or by arrogance of not willing to learn from them to be inspired and inspected by their challenging lives and sacrifices. When we still hold on to the ropes of sin in our lives, we do not have the time, the need and the resources to be motivated by the witnesses of the faith. Even if one refuses to accept the saints, the martyrs, and all those who displayed their faith for the Lord, we must not hesitate to embrace and invigorate ourselves by the example of Jesus. Our faith is rewarded by the conscious attempts of going closer to Jesus and to have the daring courage to touch Him to be healed. “Let us not lose sight of Jesus, the pioneer and the perfecter of our faith.” (Heb.12:2). We will never be tired again as long as we look up to Him. We will surely tired for the rest of the day when we refuse to fight a battle against the sins that torment us. The responsorial Psalm Praises, “They shall praise you, Lord, those who see you.” (Ps.21:27). The Gospel persuades us to touch the Lord Jesus for our healing. The lady who suffered for 12years touched Jesus in faith and got healed. No matter how heavy the sin and how deep is the wounds of sickness even ended in death, the touch of Jesus can make us a new person when we have placed our faith in Him. It is worth looking up to Jesus and to touch Him to be well again. May you have a good day. God bless you.