Dear People of God,
It is 27th of December. The Second Day of Christmas and we celebrate the feast day of Saint John, the Evangelist. The First Reading suggests that the our joy is complete in Jesus. Knowing Jesus is the eternal life. There is a certain amount of joy and contentment in knowing someone whom we love. Knowing is gradual, personal and a life-time effort. Joy increases as we know more and more of Jesus. Joy of Christ is the feeling that fills the soul of the person. How much do we know Jesus? Knowing is not having a mere information about Jesus but it is the personal transformation we have in knowing the Lord. John saw Jesus and testifies Jesus through his personal life. St. John dedicated his entire life for knowing and loving Jesus. We are too invited to know Jesus right from the beginning of our salvation. What we require is the unshakable faith in the Lord and perseverance in loving Jesus in all moments of our lives. May the Lord who enlightened St. John, may He enlighten you too. Have a good day. May God bless you.