Dear People of God,
It is 28th day of December. Third Day of Christmas. The Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. The Frist Reading is from the Book of Sirach reminds us our duty towards God and our parents. When we fulfil the duties to God and our Parents, we are blessed in five folds namely Riches, Long Life, Forgiveness of sins, Protection against sinful moments, and God’s timely answering to our prayers. Responsorial Psalm reiterates saying Blessed are those who fear the Lord and walk in His ways. St. Paul is inviting us to be thankful to one another in all our relationships especially in our families. In the Gospel, we read about the purification and presentation of Child Jesus. A family is holy as long as love of God exists and experienced in the family. Charity begins at home. A child refuses to love his/her own parents, kith and kin due to reasons the child holds will find it hard to demonstrate his/her love towards the other people. Selfishness grows where love and respect is lacking. Abundant love shown by parents to growing children is injurious to their health. A moderate, matured and normal love helps everyone to grow in our families. Let us ask from God for such love and make our families as homes of love not halls of fancy things. May you have a blessed day. May God bless you.

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