It is 04th February 2015. The Readings are from Heb.12:4-7, 11-15 and the Gospel from Mk 6:1-6. The first reading brings out the cost of discipleship. Jesus suffered, humiliated and died for us, what are we going to do for him? God and Jesus has proved their love for us. Now it is our turn to prove our love and faithfulness to God and His beloved son Jesus bearing the suffering. Suffering brings endurance, peace and holiness. We are more specifically invited to bear witness to Him during the time of sufferings and pain. Whatever we are willing to go through for the Lord will be less in comparison to what the Lord has gone through for us. Suffering disciplines our nature. Sometimes suffering can make us bitter too. When suffering leads us to unity, it paves the carpet of holiness. That is why, in all our sufferings and humiliations, we are to bear witness to peace and holiness. Otherwise, “this can poison a whole community.” (Heb 12:15). Today, Archbishop Oscar Romero has been declared a martyr for his suffering. The Responsorial Psalm calls us to say, “The love of the Lord is everlasting to those who fear him.” (Ps.103: 17) The Gospel describes about the resistance from his home town towards his ministry. People did not recognise the power of the Messiah in His home town. People had a preconceived notion about Messiah which did not match with Jesus, the carpenter and a known young man from the same town. People’s rejection and resistance did not reduce the power of Jesus. Because of the pride and lack of faith, Jesus could not perform any miracles except a few. In our lives, let not our service to the Lord depend on the praises and approval rates of people. Let us continue to serve the Lord in peace and holiness all our days. May you have a blessed day.

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