It is 05th February 2015. The Readings are from Heb.12:18-19,21-24 and the Gospel from Mk. 6:7-13. We have the memorial of St. Agatha, a virgin and martyr. She dedicated her beauty and virginity to the Lord, for which she was tortured to death. She is the patroness of Bakers, and Jewellers. She is interceded against breast cancer, fire, and earthquakes. The first reading compares two mountains and two types of spiritualties. The Mount Sinai represents the Old Testament with trembling and fear of God. The Mount Zion points out to the New Testament with the New Jerusalem, the whole church. It is our city where we enjoy our rights as citizens. It is the place our Lord Jesus the mediator. It is the place of the angels, the chosen people, all good spirits, and God the Judge. The Responsorial Psalm sings, “O God, we ponder your love within your temple.” (Ps.48:10). The Gospel instructs number of qualities for the apostles. The apostles are to travel in pairs in order to strengthen one another in the times of rejection and resistance. Team work is the basis for the missionary activity. Individual glory and personal display is not the counsel of our Lord for His service. One need not have an extensive preparations in order to embark the journey for the Lord. What is required is the complete trust and surrender to the Lord in bringing the Good News to God’s people. We are invited today to belong a church which is missionary in nature. We need to do our part in building the church and proclaiming the values of the Gospel as a team not as an individual. May the Lord be glorified in our ministries we do as a group in our own Basic Ecclesial Communities. May God bless you.

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