It is 11th February 2015. The Readings are from Gen. 2:4b-9, 15-17 and the Gospel from Mk. 7:14-23. It is the memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes. The First Reading speaks about another account of Creation with its style and details different from the first one. The first account was written by the Priestly tradition and what we read today is by the Yahwistic tradition. The breath of God is in human beings and God wanted them to obey Him. Our worth comes from God by the obedience to God. Without the life of God we will not have eternal life with God. It is the sin that separated from the tree of life. God gave the choice to human beings to choose between the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of evil and good. God expected them to obey but human beings disobeyed. The Responsorial Psalm hails God’s Spirit, “Bless the Lord, my soul.” (Ps.103:1). The Gospel speaks about the concept of sin by Jesus. Sin begins with the attitude and the intentions of the inner person. Thought leads to the action. What destroyed the personal communion with God is our personal mortal sins. It is not the food that makes us sinful but rather evil thoughts are the ones spoils the inner connection with God and leads us to disobey Him. We begin to tamper with the inside worth by obeying sins and disobeying God. God wants us to obey Him and to follow Him in every step we take in our lives. We need to be careful about the brewing evil within ourselves. Otherwise, there will be a great impact from the environment of sins. May God bless you.

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