It is 20th March 2015. The readings are from Wis.2:1a, 12-22 and the Gospel from Jn.7:1-2, 10, 25-30. The first reading presents the picture of the just. This is based on the fourth Servant song found in Isaiah. (Isa.52:13-53:12). God wants us to live with Him for ever. The destination and reward for holy life is immortality which can be lost by our sins. Living with God is the wages for our holiness and prize for blameless hearts. (Wis.2:22) After all we do not deserve immortality rather it is the gift of God. The Responsorial Psalm justifies, “The Lord is close to the broken-hearted.” (Ps.33:19) The Gospel describes the opposition from Jews who wished to kill Jesus. So many enemies were up against Jesus. His simple teaching and good works attracted enmity. Many refused to accept the origin of the Messiah. The Christ (Messiah) does not come from Egypt, nor from Bethlehem, nor from Nazareth or from people but He comes from the Father. Those who know and love the Father are the ones who know and understand the Messiah. The Messiah is hidden in our hearts. When people attack us unreasonably, we do not need to give up doing good. Because someone did not appreciate us, we do not stop doing good. Fault finding, criticisms, jealousy, lack of appreciation must make us to do the good all the more forcefully than ever before. We are made stronger by a tough and challenging times. We are born and designed to fight the evil within and around because we believe in God of goodness. May God bless you.

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