It is 29th March 2015. We celebrate today both Palm Sunday and Passion Sunday. The Holy Week invites us to be serious in reflecting the actual events at the final moments of our salvation through Jesus Christ. We not only commemorate Jesus’s death and resurrection but also our own dying to sin and selfishness and rising in Jesus. The readings are from Is. 50:4-7; Phil.2:6-11 and the Gospel Mk. 14:1-15:47. The first reading is the prophecy of Isaiah, the third Servant Song. This passage refers a person who stands for the people of Israel. Aspects of life and mission of Jesus is so much seen in the third Servant Song of the prophet. The Church reflects so deeply about the Jesus as it meditates on the climax of the life Jesus. The responsorial psalm brings out the emotions of Jesus, “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” (Ps.22:2a). The second reading is the ancient Christian hymn, which brings out who Jesus is and His mission to save us from the sins. The Gospel describes the glory and the suffering of Jesus in two parts. The first part is the royal reception of Jesus by the people and the second part is the Passion of Christ according to the evangelist Mark. We are invited today to examine our lives to see who we are depicting: Peter who denied, Judas who betrayed, Pilate who his conscience, Herod who ridiculed Jesus, the leaders who lied, or the people who crucified. May the Lord help us to come closer to Him more than ever to be with Him and change our lives.

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