It is 31st March 2015. The readings are from Is.49:1-6 and the Gospel from Jn. 13:21-33, 36-38. The first reading promises us the Servant of the Lord who will bring the salvation of our God. “I will make you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring my salvation to the ends of the earth.” (Is.49:6b). Just as the Lord Jesus brought us all His light for our salvation, we are invited to take the light of the gospel to all nations. (Mt. 28:18-20). The responsorial Psalm declares, “I will sing of your salvation.” (Ps.71:15b). The Gospel want us to look at the actions of the two persons during the passion and death of Jesus. One is the betrayal of Judas and another one is denial of Peter. Jesus knew both of them yet he did not stop loving them. Peter with his shortcomings went back to Jesus while Judas went away from Jesus. Like Peter, we promise many things to Jesus as a follower but God knows how far we could commit ourselves to Him. Let us not brag about our commitments and sacrifices we have made for Jesus so far, but let us continue to demonstrate our unshakable commitment to Christ through daily Christian living. Our lack of commitments to Christ is somewhat a passive denial and an outright betrayal to the Lord message. Whenever we betray or deny the Lord, Who do we run to? Human agents or to the One who can still love us even though we have betrayed Him or denied Him. Let us remember the times of our own betrayal and denials of our God and ask for forgiveness. May the Lord bless you to follow Him .