It is 1st of June 2015. We celebrate the memorial of St. Justin, the Martyr. The readings are from Tobit 1:3, 2:1-8 and the Gospel from Mk. 12:1-12. The first reading describes how the Jews felt a threat to their religion during the time of Tobias. Tobias means God is good. God is good to those who are faithful to God. God is good all the times when we are willing to follow God’s precepts and commands. Tobit was a holy man who spent his resources for God and the poor and more specially burying the dead. We can relate our lives to Tobias to become generous and faithful to God on a daily basis. The responsorial Psalm encourages to fear the Lord, “Happy the person who fears the Lord.” (Ps.111:1). In the Gospel we are assured that Jesus is the cornerstone of the new foundation that is Church. God is the one who planted the vineyard which is Israel. Religious leaders who wanted to get rid of the son, Jesus from the vineyard. Yet, Jesus becomes the foundation for those who are faithful to God. “The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. This was the Lord’s doing and it is wonderful to see.” (Mk. 12:11). The life and teachings of Jesus become the foundation for the nourishment of the Church. Faithfulness to God and God’s beloved Son will make us to enjoy generosity to be part of the vineyard. May the Lord help us to be faithful to Him to succeed in our lives.

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