It is 09th June 2015. We celebrate the memorial of St. Ephrem, the Deacon and the Doctor of the Church. The readings are from 2 Cor.1:18-22 and the Gospel from Mt. 5:13-16. The first reading brings out the tension between St. Paul on his reliability with the Corinthians. And so they concluded that St. Paul cannot be trusted. Yet St. Paul explains his position. As Jesus was faithful in His ministry, so Paul wanted to be faithful like Jesus in his ministry. “As surely as God is faithful, our message to you is not “Yes” and “No.” (1 Cor.1:18). We too are invited to revisit our own decision making strategies so as to be faithful to God and be reliable to people. The Responsorial Psalm prays, “Let your face shine on your servant.” (Ps.118:135). The Gospel invites us to be responsible believer in sharing our light and adding an extra taste and flavour to those around us as the light to shine and salt to preserve and add taste. Our purpose of being a believer in Jesus is to affect people around us. Salt produces heat and adds tastes wherever it is mixed. The correct proportion makes a difference wherever salt is mixed. As the salt never loses its identity, so we must not lose our Christian colour and texture in the world. We need to shine like the light. Refusal to speak about the light, blending with the crowd, denying the power of light, dark clouds of sins, and unwilling to share the light with others are the ones hiding our light. We need to be the beacon of truth in letting our light to shine through our good attitudes and behaviours. “Your light must shine in the sight of people, so that seeing your good works, they may praise the Father in Heaven.” May you have fruitful day.

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