It is 26th August 2015. The readings are from 1 Thess.2:9-13 and the Gospel from Mt.23:27-32. The first reading continues to highlight the missionary works of St. Paul in Thessalonica. Our life and words must not embarrass God rather just like St. Paul, it needs to lead others and reflect about God to others. Our missionary zeal and sacrifices need to encourage others to live a life worthy of God. It can only happen when the Word of God takes precedence in all we do and say. Word of God is not a human making and therefore it inspires us no matter what is going on in our lives. So we have to accept God’s words as a living power which can truly change us. The most effective, inspiring and life changing moments are only possible with God’s word. “You accepted it for what it really is, God’s message and not some human thinking; and it is still a living power among you who believe it.” (1 Thess.2:13). The Responsorial Psalm prays, “O Lord, you search me and you know me.” (Ps.138:1). The Gospel invites us to have some kind of balance between the life inside and outside of oneself. Jesus condemns the outward religious piety while inside there is so much of greed and corruption. Living our Christianity or faith in Jesus is the matter of conscience and a constant cleanliness right within a person. One requires an ample wisdom that comes from Jesus to distinguish what is right and what is wrong when the two exist together. Let not our religion become a channel to express our selfishness rather may it help us to become day by day to practice selflessness and charity to others. May God bless you to look inside deeply before we attempt to look outside critically. Have a balanced life in Jesus. May God bless you.

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