It is 18th September 2015. The readings are from 1 Tim. 6:2c-12 and the Gospel from Lk.8:1-3. In the first reading, St. Paul expresses his concern on the attitude towards money to Timothy. “We brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it; but if we have food and clothing, we will be content with these.” (1Tim.6:7,8). It is indeed very true, “love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.” (1Tim.6:10). We the believers must not place our trust in money. Money makes us slaves and lose our security. Godliness is not for profit. Money leads us to have foolish and dangerous ambitions which are harmful to the soul. When our minds are full of tricks to money, our love for God is buried slowly. Great people have fallen out of grace and denied God because of love for money and the attachment to it. The true attitude towards money must make us to come closer to God, working for the welfare of the poor and our hearts towards heaven. The responsorial verse reminds us, “How happy are the poor in spirit, there is the kingdom of heaven.” (Mt.5:3). The Gospel points out the need for a team work in spreading the message of Christ. Amazingly, three remarkable women who were touring with Jesus in spreading His messages. Mary Magdalen, the sinful woman, Joanna, the financial administrator of Herod, Susanna, the talented and efficient ever serving woman. Jesus needs us all to join his team and put our talents as our investment in spreading the good news. How much time and resources we have today for Jesus and the spreading of the Gospel? Let us do something for Jesus with what we have already. May God be with you.

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