It is 20th September 2015. It is 25th Sunday in the Ordinary time. The readings are from Wis.2:12,17-20; Jam.3:16-4:3 and the Gospel from Mk.9:30-37. The first reading reminds us that the world is unfair to those who live according to God’s will. The world tries to corner the good people, side line them and most often intentionally oppress them. Yet, the good people always survive all the odds and sufferings. The world hates anything of God and from the Gospel. The responsorial Psalm prays, “The Lord upholds my life.” (Ps.54:6). The second reading warns us to be careful about our attachment to the world and worldly power, fame at the cost of inner peace. There is a war of ego in every person which is spilled over into our families, the parishes and the world. The craving for more is on the increase. Human soul is never satisfied with what it has in terms of power, money and fame. No one is exempted. In order to achieve the level and status, we engaging murdering the names of the innocents. We sacrifice people and their innocence to the world so as to hold higher positions. Peace is never achieved by big talks. Peace flows from simple and humble minds who wish to live for others. The Gospel invites us to be different to the worldly standards of greatness. “Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all.” (Mk.9:35). Greatness comes by serving. We need to honour our call to be Christian by helping those little ones in our communities, and our street corners. Whenever we ignore these little ones, we ignore Jesus himself. Let us make someone to feel great by our humble service. May God bless you.

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