It is 30th October 2015. The readings are from Rom.9:1-5 and the Gospel from Lk.14:1-6. The first reading talks about the salvation of the Jews. It is very hard for someone to accept and love Christ Jesus, if they did not believe in Him. Our love of God would become integral when we begin to acknowledge our love for Jesus openly. St. Paul argued that the chosen people did not accept Jesus. God’s love is special for all people. Indeed, we are all so special in the eyes of God. There is no human person God created as insignificant. The responsorial Psalm praises, “O praise the Lord, Jerusalem.” (Ps.147:12). The Gospel invites us to examine our balance in our spirituality. We need to strike a stability between charity and career. We need to draw a line between God’s work and our personal or family work. Charity and God’s work overrides all our personal comfort and belief. Charity goes beyond the normal, the ordinary and the known circles and connections. Jesus does go beyond the normal in order to demonstrate His charity for someone in need. It is all about our attitude, and the intention that matter. We need to have a certain amount of time for the needy, the poor, the vulnerable, and the broken-hearted. Our faith in Jesus must push us forward to reach the unreached, the unloved, the sick and the ostracized. May we ask the Lord to have the connection and the balance between our charity and career.

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