It is 20th December 2015. It is 4th Sunday in Advent. The readings are from Mic.5:2-5a; Heb.10:5-10 and the Gospel from Lk.1:39-45. The first reading promises the great things to come. From a humble town comes the mighty King. The Messiah will be the true shepherd of Israel. “He shall be peace.” (Mic.5:4). God brings peace and harmony through God’s beloved son. The responsorial Psalm prays, “Lord, make us turn to you; let us see your face and we shall be saved.” (Ps.80:4). The second reading restates that the appearance of Jesus is understood in His self-sacrifice and obedience. It is through the sacrifice of Jesus, we are consecrated. It is not offering and sacrifices of any kind God is looking for except the sacrifice of Jesus. The Gospel speak of the visitation of Mary to Elizabeth. It is the sacred meeting of two mothers as well as two children. There is a divine interaction between these two children and mothers. The presence of the Holy Spirit makes everything possible for these great event to take place. Elizabeth rejoiced meeting Mary and John leaped for joy as he met his God. “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. And how does this happen to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” (Lk.1:42). We too need to become sensitive to the needs of others. Mary remains the perfect believer as well as perfect disciple through this visit.