It is 27th December 2015. We celebrate the feast of the Holy Family. The readings are from 1 Sam.1:20-22, 24-28; Psalm 83; 1 John 3:1-2,21-24 and the Gospel from Lk.2:41-52. The first reading presents how Hannah dedicate her son to God. The second reading assures that God wants us to be part of God’s family by calling us sons and daughter through the love of Christ poured into our hearts. The Gospel challenges us to look for the lost in our families by presenting the finding of Jesus in the temple. May all the families of God follow the examples of the Holy Family and remain faithful to God in their search for meaning, existence and growth in all spheres. Each and every family needs to adhere the Word of God in order to meet the challenges they face in the world. They need to be connected to one another intimately and above all else, every member has to connect with the Church and God. Our belongingness must be firmly rooted in God through our faithfulness and openness to life and to have the sacred space for God to operate in our families. Tension between the traditional families and modern families are growing. The influence of social media and desperation to prove someone something kills our family spirit. Encroaching the space of another, emotionally, spiritually and materially in our families distances us from one another. Due to this invasion of spiritual space, our family members feel lonely, and create a lagoon of longings and an island of emotions. This Jubilee of Mercy must destroy our demarcations of selfishness, lust and greed in our families. Let us give chance to God to lead our families, to have love and respect for one another, reunite the broken, and to recreate the spiritual stamina to walk an extra mile. Let us form, serve, participate and share in our families. May God bless our families feel the peace and joy of Christmas. Have a good day

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