It is 06th February 2016. We celebrate the memorial of Saints Paul Miki and Companions, the Martyrs. The readings are from1 Kings 3:4-13; and the Gospel from Mark 6:30-34. The first reading teaches us what we must ask the Lord when we are asked to lead others. Solomon began to reign by putting himself in the hands of God by offering sacrifices in Gibeon. God was pleased with his effort and was willing to grant him anything Solomon would ask. The king asked God for wisdom but not the means of power, pleasure and permanency in ruling the others. God offered him what the king asked and all that he did not mention. If our prayer pleases God, we obtain everything we ask and all that God is pleased to grant. We all need wisdom, a sincere and pure devotion to God no matter how much we are tossed and twisted by the power of sin and evil. “I give you a heart wise and shrewd as none before you has had and none will have after you.” (Kings 3:13). The responsorial Psalm entreats, “Lord, teach me your statutes.” (Ps.118:12). The Gospel provides a set of valuable lessons for pastoral ministry. We learn to report back to the Lord on a daily basis. We must create a space where we can meet our creator in a quiet place. One must be willing to be recharged with the power of God before meeting the people. A willingness to learn and update with the present knowledge about themselves and those to whom one is sent. Mercy and compassion must be the heart of our ministry. We must never be tired of being merciful when people are desperately in need of our helping hands. May God bless our hands and heart to avail our bodies and lives to the compassionate and merciful God. Have a good day.

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