It is 02nd May 2016. We celebrate the Memorial of St Athanasius, the Bishop and the Doctor of the Church. The readings are from Acts 16:11-15; and the Gospel from John 15:26-16:4. In the first reading, we encounter St. Paul in Macedonia. Many people received him well because of his powerful preaching and he was full of the Holy Spirit. Paul met a devout lady named Lydia, the most generous and influential person who ‘the Lord opened her heart to accept what Paul was teaching.’ (Act.16:14). We too are called to accept the Word of God and to become the witness for the Lord. The responsorial Psalm prays, “The Lord takes delight in his people.” (Ps.149:4). The Gospel invites us to bear the witness for Truth. “The Spirit of truth who issues from the Father, he will be my witness. And you too will be witnesses.” (Jn: 15:26, 27). To be a witness means to be a martyr for Christ. We can qualify ourselves only by the knowledge of the Truth which will lead us even to the extent of being excluded, persecuted, expelled and to undergo all kinds of humiliations for the sake of the Truth. Jesus promises us in the Gospel that the Holy Spirit would assist us to bear witness to Christ in a given situation. Just like today’s saint, St. Athanasius who defended the true faith for his flock, regardless of the cost to himself. In today’s world we are experiencing this same call to remain true to our faith, no matter what it takes. May the Lord bless today so as to live for Jesus. Have a good day.

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