It is 06th Friday 2016. The readings are from Acts 18:9-18; and the Gospel from John 16:20-23. The first reading speaks about the sufferings St. Paul had to undergo emotionally and physically on account of his preaching for Christ. He feared for his life. Christ Jesus strengthened him by a vision that no one from Corinth would silence or hurt him. “Do not be afraid to speak out, not allow yourself to be silenced: I am with you. (Acts: 18:9). He continues more earnestly than before to preach the Word of God. Having preached in Corinth, now he sets off for Antioch. In our lives too, we must never be afraid to preach the Good News of the Lord Jesus. Resistance, conflicts and misunderstandings are bound to arise in our witnessing the Gospels. We may be falsely accused for many things. Yet, we need to believe that we are here on earth for a reason. The reason is to be good, and to inspire others to be good. Let our lives speak louder than words. The deep inner joy emerges when we speak for the Lord through our lives. Fear gives way to joy in a taking a courageous stand for Jesus in every moment of our lives. The responsorial Psalm praises, “God is king of all the earth. (Ps.46:8). In the Gospel Jesus promises joy for those who go through the pain for Him. The permanent and lasting joy comes from the Lord. Meeting Christ brings joy. Our sufferings in this world mostly are caused by evil structures and human makings. The disciples did not understand that the suffering leads to new life of the resurrection. In our lives, we need to accept the suffering for the sake of Jesus. We are indeed privileged to suffer for Christ. In every occasion, whether in family life or in the religious life, we are honoured to suffer for the welfare of others. Bearing the suffering joyfully without complaints is the living witness for Christ. May God bless you and have good day.

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