It is 22nd September 2016. The readings are from Ecclesiastes 1:2-11; and the Gospel from Luke 9:7-9. The first reading informs us that Except God everything under the Sun is changing. God alone is permanent. God exists in every fabric of creation. Man explores the newness by connecting with God. There is a constant flow in everything except God. We are encouraged to fear God and to recognize God in creation. Without God, everything leads to emptiness, nothingness, appearances and peripherals. Our happiness and meaning for life is found only in serving others and through that very act of charity to find God. The responsorial Psalm praises, “O Lord, you have been our refuge from one generation to the next.” (Ps.89:1). The Gospel brings out the unstoppable curiosity to know Jesus. Herod Antipas, son of Herod the Great wanted to know about Jesus. There is always a certain amount of anxiety and fear knowing the truth. When we know the truth, the Truth sets us free. Some of us only know the truth in order to use it for our religious, political and social benefits. Knowing Christ is a life time endeavour. We cannot know Jesus and relate with him by an insight or with the spark of an idea from others. It is indeed a deep, an intimate and personal relationship with Jesus offers the authentic knowing of Jesus. We all need to face this question one day – Who is this Jesus? Even Jesus would put this question to his disciples. In the words of Saint Richard, ‘may I know you more clearly, love you more dearly and follow you more nearly, day by day.’ Our happiness and fullness in Jesus, let us be curious enough day by day to know Him and love Him and serve Him. May you have a good day.

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