It is 03rd October 2016. The readings are from Gal.1:6-12 and the Gospel from Luke 10:25-37. The first reading alerts us to be on guard with regard to different type of ‘good news’ other than one already preached. Gentile believers were forced to believe the laws and customs of Moses over the faith in Jesus they professed publicly. There is a clearer way to God through Jesus Christ. All paths do not lead to the desired destination. All are not the same. In following the Lord we must be careful with what we accept to believe in. There is a wilful and cunningly twisting the Truth of the Good News all around us. We are invited by Paul to be extremely cautious with things we read and consume. We cannot please everyone and end up following none. Christianity needs straightforwardness, deep prayerful commitments, and openness the Truth, Jesus Christ. Therefore no one including Paul could have the means to divert the message for their convenience. The responsorial Psalm acclaims, “The Lord keep His covenant ever in mind.” In the Gospel we reflect the story of the Good Samaritan. The lessons love from this passage is that the lack of love cannot be justified by any religion; the concept of neighbour is too wide and open beyond race, tribe, colour and social background; and to express our love cannot be reduced to colourful words rather to meet the needs of the person. Wounded people are not to be the subject of discussion and debate. Wounded humanity is to be loved and cared by us. Let us meet the Lord himself by recognising the need of the bruised neighbours in our communities. May you have a good day.

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