It is 05th October 2016. The readings are from Galatians 2:1-2, 7-14; and the Gospel from Luke 11:1-14. The first reading brings out the tension between Paul and Peter in understanding and sharing the meal in common among Jews and non-Jews. Among the early believers, there was a custom to share a meal with one another to bring people together. Jews were forbidden to eat with the non-Jews. Jews wanted to hold on to their culture even though they professed faith in Jesus. The non-Jews found it impossible to accept the cultural heritage of the Jews. Under these circumstances, Paul without undermining the authority of Peter in the Church expressed his stand and views. For Peter, sharing the table with the one would bring the unwanted division with the other. He was in dilemma. Paul persuaded Peter that he needed to take a stand for spreading the Good News beyond Jerusalem and to express faith in Jesus without being controlled by the practices and culture of the Jews on the non-Jews. Even though faith is expressed through cultures, it must rise above the cultures in order that the light of Christ could bring unity, peace and growth in every part of the Church. We must not step on the foot of the other while spreading the Good News. Jesus is for all people and all people must have equal access to benefits and blessings of the preaching. The responsorial Psalm acclaims, “Go out to the whole world; proclaim the Good News.” (Mk.16:15). The Gospel reminds us the need for prayer in our lives. Jesus is our inspiration to connect with God. We all need to be taught by Him so as to be in touch with the Father. Jesus is our daily bread we must ask for from the one Father. We are invited to pray for the spiritual things over the materials things. Our prayerfulness must make us to forgive unconditionally. Our prayers need to be focused on God rather than the material needs of us. May God bless you.

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