It is 12th October 2016. The readings are from Galatians 5:18-25; and the Gospel from Luke 11:42-46. In the first reading, St. Paul challenges every believer to make a choice between the works of the flesh and the fruits of the Spirit. He identifies a list of deeds and a list of fruits. The list is still incomplete due to multiple manifestations of the deeds and the works of the Spirit. The deeds of the flesh always try to dominate and suppress the fruits of the Spirit. We all need to make up our minds whether we are going to allow ourselves to be led by the Spirit or to be ruled by the deeds of the flesh. We will not be able to enjoy Christocentric freedom, if we are guided by the deeds of the flesh, which does not allow us to perceive and experience the presence of God. The ultimate expressions of God’s love in us is the manifestations of the works of the Spirit. It is a lifelong attempt to crucify our selfish indulgent passions and desires on to the Cross on a daily basis. The deeds of the flesh seems to hide God and makes us to feel miserable, guilty, and consumed by the dirt of the sin. We need to deal with these sinful tendencies in order to be guided by the Holy Spirit. Let us bring our sinful tendencies to God’s control, and to submit every part of our lives. Our source and origin of freedom and new life is only possible with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The responsorial Psalm instructs, “Those who follow you, Lord, will have the light.” (Jn.8:12). In the Gospel, we encounter Jesus who accuses the scribes of being proud, selfish, insincere, not being fair to the others. It is good to re-examine the laws which do not produce the desired results and willing to replace them. Instead, most of us end up replacing people without revising and reviewing the existing laws. We end up looking for better performing people than better human laws. At the end, we bring in more laws into force so as to have the desired result. Let us not add burden after burden when we are given the opportunity to serve and lead others. We need to be watchful over the deep hunger for the approval of people rather than from God. Jesus chides such hypocrisy. It is good to walk the talk and lead by examples. May you have a good day.

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