It is 14th October 2016. We celebrate the memorial of St. Callistus I, the Pope and the Martyr. The readings are from Ephesians 1:11-14; and the Gospel from Luke 12:1-7. In the first reading, St. Paul attempts to explain in the Queen of all his Epistles that we are here on earth to praise God. Since we are not praising God enough, we all feel still incomplete within ourselves. Money, pleasure and luxurious lives are not enough to satisfy us. God having known the risk of being abandoned by us, chosen as before anyone we even dare to love us. Time and time again, we fall short of loving and praising God due to our personal weaknesses and attachments to the unwanted. Our beings are deeply and continuously looking for someone and someone’s relationship. The person our beings long for is the Holy Spirit. This relationship with the Holy Spirit is the one that makes us to live the way God wants it and offers a complete satisfaction of our meaningful life for Christ. It is the Holy Spirit who puts us right with God through Christ Jesus. The merciful thought of the Father, the redeeming act of the Son and the indwelling protective love of the Spirit are the Trinitarian blessings to each one of us as the believer. This is the salvific vision statement of the triune God. It is the sin that destroys the plan of God. The faith and the relationship with the Holy Spirit makes us better partners with God as sons and daughters just because we are stamped by the Holy Spirit. In order to praise God, we need the help of the Holy Spirit. The responsorial Psalm praises, “Happy the people the Lord has chosen as God’s own.” (Ps.32:12). The Gospel possesses the keys for our happiness in Christ. Seeking our honour and praise is the hypocrisy of our existence. Fear of being punished by God and to be thrown into hell enters into us when we are ruled by the sinful living, the worries of the world, and the greed of the heart. Jesus strengthens us saying, we must not worry because of His unconditional care and divine plan for all of us. God does not forget us in any situation. No matter so far what has befallen in our lives. “There is no need to be afraid: you are worth more than hundreds of sparrows.” (Lk.12:7). May we collaborate with God through the guidance of Holy Spirit who is the enhancer of our lives through Jesus. May you have a good day.

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