It is 24th November 2016. We celebrate the memorial of St Andrew Dung-Lac and the Companions, Martyrs. The readings are from Rev.18:1-2, 21-23, 19:1-3, 9; and the Gospel from Luke 21:20-28. The first reading speaks about the destruction of the greatest city of evil for its wickedness by God. Babylon is indeed the actual and symbolic place mentioned stands for the rich, the mighty, the proud, the immoral, and the arrogant who continue to persecute the Church. When John wrote this book, Rome was called Babylon filled with satanic cult and worship and therefore God would destroy before the second coming of Christ. Just like Babylon, Rome too attracted to the temptations of the world, power, fame, sex, wealth and consumerism. The dishonesty and immoral livings are increasing day by day even in our times. Bribery, lies, luxuries and working for the top richest people are on the rise in every part of the world today. Secularism and moral relativism are the growing enemies against the concept and belief in God. Growing restlessness and rage we witnesses everywhere. Amidst all these wickedness, God emerges as the victor at the end and the believers would sing a hymn of praise for God for having judged justly and fairly. To be part of this celebration of victory, we are invited by God to the wedding feast of the Lamb. Are you one of them invited to the Holy Eucharist daily? Are privileged to take part in the wedding feast of the Lamb in your parish? As we are into the multitasking mind-set, let us not single out the Holy Eucharist as an option to be considered to be last in the list or not at all. The responsorial Psalm sings, “Happy are those who are invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb.” (Rev.19:9). The Gospel sternly warns us all that the punishment for the unfaithful is for sure. When the evil seems to be overtaking the good, the end of the world happen. “And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When these things begin to take place, stand erect, hold your heads high, because your salvation is near at hand.” (Lk.21:28). May we not lose hope when all look hopeless. Let us put all our hope in Jesus. He will not abandon us and disappoint us. May you have a good.

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