It is 19th March. We celebrate the 3rd Sunday of Lent. The readings are from Exodus 17:3-7; the second reading is from Romans 5:1-2, 5-8; and the Gospel from John 4:5-42. All civilizations are born and preserved near the source of water. The existence of water means living. Blossoming or dooming of any civilization depended on the source of water. Water sustaines every ancient, present and future civilizations. The demand for clean water is on the rise everywhere. Sharing of water and distribution will be the hot political, social and economic issues that would eventually affect the spiritual connections with God. In the first reading, we read about Jewish people who had no water in the wilderness and they asked Moses to intercede for them. The source and origin of water is God. No human being can create water by any scientific or human skill to provide for all humanity. God is the living water who provides generously and in surplus. The presence of water is the assurance of the presence of God among us. Thirst for water is not limited to physical and it is very much connected spiritually. In the wilderness, people were thirsty for God and God’s benevolence. Tough living in the parched land of our existence, we need to recourse to the living water which God alone can provide. God’s love for God’s people never run dry no matter how desperate the situation. In the second reading, we are assured that God will look after us when we trust God totally. Even when we have sinned and become thirsty for God’s grace and love, God through His Beloved Son Jesus infuses life and hope all through. The gospel presents us with the story of the Woman at the Well. Jesus, the living water encounters the least noticed Samaritan woman to have a conversion on water. Our wells get dried when we are not cleaning the springs of water. When we recognize Jesus as our Messiah and willing to confess our situation to Him, the well spring gushes forth from within. May our conversation with Jesus terminate the sources that contaminate the living water. We need to become the agents of salvation and conversion as we enjoy the living water Jesus Christ. May God strengthen us in our faith sharing life. May we truly become the witnesses of conversion in our families, and communities we live in. May you have a good day.

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