It is 12th April 2017. Holy and Good Wednesday is also traditionally known as Spy Wednesday – when Judas “spied” for an opportunity to betray Jesus. The readings are from Isaiah 50:4-9; and the Gospel from Matthew 26:14-25. The first reading is one of the third Songs of the Servant of God. The abuse inflicted on the servant of God is vindicated by God. Just like the innocent and righteous servant, when we are faced with suffering and persecution, and denied access to rightful hearing, we must not give up on God. By taking a stand for truth attracts suffering and pain. We must not hesitate to be truthful at all times till the end. No one can defeat God with their lies, twisted and convenient truths. God is the reason we are called and God himself will vindicate us, protect us, and will never put us to shame. God helps us and will never disgrace us when the evil people gang against us to take power, money and influence in their hands. Just like the suffering Servant of God, we must be the spokesperson of God and truth. A painful price to be paid for being the servant and the witness for the Truth. God offers the power we require to confront the enemies by offering us a special tongue to utter the inevitable. We are invited to imbibe the spirit of the Servant to be obedient in listening, speaking and teaching for God. In our daily life of suffering, we need to be virtuous manner regardless of the consequences we need to endure. Just like Christ Jesus, we must do God’s will regardless of hardship, opposition, embarrassment, or even betrayal. The responsorial Psalm prays, “Lord, in your great love, answer me.” (Ps.69:14). The Gospel narrates the betrayal of Judas. Jesus spoke those chilling words, “It would have been better for that man not to have been born!” (Mt.26:24). How trustworthy are we to Jesus? Are we losing focus on Jesus because of those few extra coins we make selling Jesus to our corporate and financial institution on Sundays and the days of obligations? Would you also say with Judas to the Lord, “Surely, Not I, Lord?” (Mt. 26:25). Are we so sure we have not betrayed the Lord? Let us have a closer look at ourselves, there is a Judas deep within each one of us, who betrays Jesus more frequently and consciously and very often than Judas himself. Would Jesus be sorry that better if we had been a Christian! May God help us to be faithful and truthful witness at all times.

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