It is 26th April 2017. The readings are from Acts 5:17-26; and the Gospel from John 3:16-21. A true, committed and authentic love never stops expressing its fragrance. Love has no conditions and strings attached to existence and exuberance. A second time the apostles were arrested and imprisoned but providentially, they were released. St. Peter and John once again was speaking for the love of the Risen Lord. Love cannot be confined to the prison of selfishness and evil. The ever-sparkling light of the Risen Lord Jesus shines anyway and anywhere. The culture of darkness always wishes to invade and intrude the beauty and power of love and light. Yet, God is supremely powerful to outshine any darkness and the authority on earth which wants to quell the light of Christ. Let the light of Christ shine in us and around us. It is God who brought us out of the prison of darkness and evil, and filling us all with the love and light of Christ to be the witnesses for the one who loves us no matter what it takes. God goes out of His ways to save us and to redeem us through His only beloved Son Jesus. “Go and stand in the temple and speak to the people all the words of this Life.” (Acts.5:20). If and when we are prepared to be the witnesses for the light of Christ, God is willing to set us free from any prison, whether it is spiritual or worldly. God has already ordered His angels to set us free and to be saved. “For he will give his angels charge of you to guard you in all your ways.” (Ps.91:11). The responsorial Psalm prays, “This poor man called and the Lord heard him.” (Ps.33:7). The Gospel presents us that God is love and God’s love is revealed through His Only Son in its totality. The light of Christ is the truth every human being needs to encounter in their life time here on earth. Refusal to accept and believe Jesus is the outright rejection of light and embracing the darkness in subtle way. “For every one who does evil hates the light, and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed.” (Jn.3:20). Let us not hinder the light of the Risen Lord in our lives through any means. May we always seek the Light and be light by Jesus. May you have a good day.

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