It is 15th May 2017. The readings are from Acts 14:5-18; and the Gospel from John 14:21-26. The first reading emphasizes the need of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the mission of the Church. The task of the Holy Spirit in creation is: to rule it, to sanctify it, to animate it, to preserve it in the Father through the Son. (CCC. 703). In our mission work and spreading of the Good News, we will surely encounter difficulty, resistance, biases, prejudiced people. During those times of polarization, we need the guidance and protection of the Holy Spirit. In some places, we are accepted when the tales, customs and environments favors on our side but in most of the places where we work for the Lord’s message, there is a growing opposition, a selective secularization and conveniently suppressing the spirit of truth, the Paraclete, the counsellor. Without the help of the Holy Spirit, we could be succumbed to idolization by the people whom we serve. Barnabas and Paul refused to be idolized in today’s reading. Almost instantly, the healing of the crippled man from birth by Paul made them equal to petty gods. Our ministry and preaching must lead someone to God not to us. We are not the point of reference rather it is God and the mission of Jesus. “We are only human beings like you. We have come with good news to make you turn from empty idols to the living God.” (Acts.14:15). Are we replacing Jesus or representing Jesus in our mission work? Does our preaching and charitable witnesses point out Jesus or mere manifestations of personally accelerated skills and talents for one’s own glory and fame? The responsorial Psalm prays, “Not to us, Lord, but to your name give the glory.” (Ps.113:1). The Gospel stresses the importance of love and especially the love for His Word. It is the faithfulness and humble obedience to the Word of God brings about the gift of love. A true love for Jesus offers the reward of the Holy Spirit and the Most Holy Trinity wants to have a residence in our lives. We all need the Holy Spirit to understand the Word of God because He does not speak of His own yet the Spirit of Truth speaks through the Son and brings glory to God. “The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of all I have said to you.” (Jn.14:26). May we bring someone closer to Jesus by our word and deed. May you have a good day.

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